This past May, while staying in Canmore, I decided to drive into Banff to do an early morning shoot at Lake Minnewanka. That evening, my wife and I had an amazing meal with friends at the Grande Rockies Resort. With great wine,rich food and a full belly, sleep comes easy.... not the best combination before rising at 3:30 am to catch the sunrise.
I dragged myself out of bed with images of amazing skies running through my mind and gas station coffee to urge me on to my destination. An hour or two at the lake then back to Canmore before anyone else is out of bed.
Unfortunately, the sunrise was not as spectacular as I had hoped. That always seems to happen to me every time I make the extra effort to sacrifice sleep and get up early or stay out late for the sake of creating a great photograph. That's not as easy as it used to be. Even so, I feel I captured a pretty neat photograph anyway. It's a longer exposure to smooth out the water and blur the clouds a little which I feel helped to create an interesting mood to the image.
The picture below is looking northeast with Mount Inglismaldie on the right. Lake Minnewanka (which means 'water of the spirits' in Nakota) is some 28km long and is almost 500 ft deep. It's the longest lake in the parks of the Canadian Rockies.
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